Coaxial and data transmission cables

Type: structured cable, shielded with aluminum foil, for data transmission.
Standard: ISO / IEC 11801, EN 50173.
Name: Foiled Twisted Paires - paired copper cables.
Field of use: it is used as a data transmission cable at 100Mbit / s (cat.5), 200Mbit / s (cat. 5e), 350 Mbit / s (cat.6).
Conductor: solid copper.
Insulation: wires insulated with polyethylene, after which they are protected with a plastic foil.
Shielding: it is made with an aluminum foil cased with a plastic foil, spare wire.
Sheath: temoplastic material.
Ambient temperature: posed: -20 ° C to +70 ° C, moving: -5 ° C to +70 ° C.

Technical parameters:

Type FTP
4 x 2 x AWG24
  Cat.5 Cat.5e Cat.6  
Impedance: 100±15 100±15 100±15 Ohm
Resistivity: 170 170 170 Ohm/km
1 MHz: 2,1 2,1 2,0 dB/100m
4 MHz: 4,1 4,1 3,8 dB/100m
10 MHz 6,4 6,4 5,9 dB/100m
16 MHz: 8,0 8,0 7,5 dB/100m
20 MHz: 9,0 9,0 8,4 dB/100m
31,25 MHz: 11,4 11,4 10,5 dB/100m
62,5 MHz 16,3 16,3 15,1 dB/100m
100 MHz: 21 21 19,5 dB/100m
155 MHz: - 26,1 24,7 dB/100m
200 MHz: - 30,5 28,5 dB/100m
250 MHz - - 32,3 dB/100m
300 MHz - - 35,8 dB/100m
350MHz - - 39,0 dB/100m
Tension: Max 125 Max 125 Max 125 V(DC)
Capacity: Max 1600 Max 1600 Max 1600 pF/m
Propagation speed: 66 66 70 %
Conductor diameter: 0,52 0,52 0,55 mm
Insulation diameter: 1,05 1,05 1,05 mm
External diameter: 6,0 6,0 6,1 mm
Type: coaxial cable.
Standard: RG 58C / U, 213 / U, 11A / U, 59B / U (MIL-C-17 US).
Field of use: indoors and in industrial areas, in protective tubes or gutters, for the transmission of high frequency signals.
Ambient temperature: -35 ° C to +80 ° C.

Technical parameters:

  RG 58 C/U RG 213/U RG 11 A/U RG 59 B/U  
Resistance: 50±2 50±2 75±2 75±2 Ohm
Conductor: Tinned brass copper
(19 x 0,18)

7 x 0,76
Tinned brass copper
(7 x 0,4)
Copper-coated steel wire

Wire insulation: PE PE PE PE  
Screen: Tinned copper fabric Copper fabric Copper fabric Copper fabric  
External sheath: PVC negru PVC negru PVC negru PVC negru  
Frequency range: 3 3 3 3 GHz
1 MHz: 2 0,67 0,65 1,5 dB/100m
10 MHz: 6 2 2 4 dB/100m
100 MHz: 17 7,2 6,8 12 dB/100m
400 MHz: 34 14 14 23 dB/100m
Capacity: 100 100 68 68 nF/km
Propagation speed: 67 67 67 67 %
Min. insulation resistance: 100 100 100 100 GOhm x km
Maximum operating voltage: 2,5 5,2 5,2 3,5 kV
Mechanical data:          
Copper mass: 19 76 56 23 kg/km
External diameter: 5 10,3 10,3 6,15 mm
Total mass: 37 160 142 55 kg/km
Type: coaxial cable.
Standard: RG 6 / U (MIL-C-17 US).
Field of use: indoors and in industrial areas, in protective tubes or gutters, for the transmission of high frequency signals, for transmission and reception to computers, radio and TV.
Ambient temperature: -35 ° C to +80 ° C.

Technical parameters:

  RG 6/U  
Resistance: 75±3 Ohm
Conductor: Tin copper (1 x 1,072) mm
Wire insulation: PE  
Screen: Copper fabric  
External sheath: Black PVC  
Frequency range: 3 GHz
50 MHz: 6,6 dB/100m
100 MHz: 9,5 dB/100m
200 MHz: 14,1 dB/100m
500 MHz: 20,4 dB/100m
Capacity: 67,3 pF/m
Relative speed of propagation: 67 %
Minimum insulation resistance 100 GOhm x km
Maximum operating voltage: 2,8 kV
Mechanical data:    
Copper mass: 67 kg/km
External diameter: 8,5 mm
Total mass: 115 kg/km

Type: structured cable for data transmission, with aluminum foil screen and copper fabric.
Standard: ISO / IEC 11801, EN 50173.
Field of use: for structured computer networks, up to the transmission speed of 100 Mbit / s (cat 5-a), 200 Mbit / s (cat 5e).
Conductor: solid copper.
Insulation: the wires are insulated with polyethylene, after which they are protected with a plastic foil.
Shielding: it is made with an AL / PET foil and a tin-plated copper fabric, earthing wire.
Sheath: made of PVC, gray, the threads are twisted in pairs.
Ambient temperature: posed: -20 ° C to +70 ° C, moving: -5 ° C to +70 ° C.

Technical parameters:

Type S/FTP 4 x 2 x AWG24  
  Cat.5 Cat.5e  
Impedance: 100±15 100±15 Ohm
Resistivity: 170 170 Ohm/km
1 MHz: 2,1 2,1 dB/100m
4 MHz: 4,1 4,1 dB/100m
10 MHz 6,4 6,4  
16 MHz: 8 8 dB/100m
20 MHz: 9 9 dB/100m
31,25 MHz: 11,4 11,4 dB/100m
62,5 MHz 16,3 16,3  
100 MHz: 21 21 dB/100m
155 MHz: - 26,1 dB/100m
200 MHz: - 30,5 dB/100m
Capacity: 1600 1600 pF/m
Propagation speed: 66 66 %
Mechanical data:      
Conductor diameter: 0,51 0,51 mm
Insulation diameter: 1,05 1,05 mm
External diameter: 6,2 6,2 mm
Type: structured data transmission cable.
Standard: ISO / IEC 11801, EN 50173, UL certified.
Field of use: it is used as a data transmission cable at 100Mbit / s (cat.5), 200 Mbit / s (cat. 5e), 350 Mbit / s (cat.6).
Conductor: solid copper.
Insulation: gray polyethylene.
Sheath: PVC.
Ambient temperature: posed: -20 ° C to +70 ° C, moving: -5 ° C to +70 ° C.

Technical parameters:

Type UTP 4 x 2 x AWG24  
  Cat.5 Cat.5e Cat.6  
Impedance: 100±15 100±15 100±15 Ohm
Resistivity: 170 170 170 Ohm/km
1 MHz: 2,1 2,0 2,0 dB/100m
4 MHz: 3,9 3,9 3,8 dB/100m
10 MHz: 6,2 6,2 5,9 dB/100m
16 MHz: 7,8 7,8 7,5 dB/100m
20 MHz: 8,8 8,8 8,4 dB/100m
31,25 MHz: 11,1 11,1 10,5 dB/100m
62,5 MHz: 16 16 15,1 dB/100m
100 MHz: 20,7 20,7 19,5 dB/100m
155 MHz - 26.1 24,7 dB/100m
200 MHz - 30,5 28,5 dB/100m
250 MHz - - 32,3 dB/100m
300 MHZ - - 35,8 dB/100m
350 MHz - - 39,0 dB/100m
Voltage Max 125 Max 125 Max 125 V(DC)
Capacity: Max 1600 Max 1600 Max 1600 pF/m
propagation speed: 66 66 66 %
Mechanical data:        
Conductor diameter: 0,52 0,52 0,55 mm
External diameter: 5.3 5.3 5,8 mm
Insulation diameter: 0,93 0,93 0,95 mm